Below is a note that I sent today to all of our customers. I think it's important that our customer base knows that we listen and that there is a direct line of communication between them and me. I would imagine that other CEOs might disagree.
If you're Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, you literally can't be having a 1:1 conversation with your millions of customers, it's logistically impossible. However, if you're running a B2B business with less than 10,000 customers, I think you'd be crazy not too.
Dear Billtrust Customer:
If we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting, my name is Flint Lane and I’m the Founder and CEO here at Billtrust. I like to periodically send out updates about what’s going on with the business to keep you informed. The billing and payments industry is going through some major transformations and Billtrust is leading that charge.
Over the last few years we’ve seen incredible growth in our product offerings, our customers, and our employee base.
Our Business-to-Business billing offerings have expanded with support for international languages, Accounts Payable portals like OB10, and the launch of Invoice Central, the first small business aggregator site. Our Business-to-Consumer offerings have expanded with a mobile edition optimized for SmartPhones, bill delivery to Bank sites, and richer convenience fee options.
In 2010 we had roughly 500 customers and 75 employees. Since then, we’ve completed three acquisitions that have added 300 customers, along with the addition of another 300 customers through normal sales channels. Billtrust now has over 1,100 customers and 175 employees with plenty of growth still on the horizon.
When companies experience sustained periods of rapid growth, sometimes processes break down or don’t keep up. This is something we’ve experienced since I started the business in my basement 11 years ago. Every two or three years we need to reexamine the processes we have in place to make sure we’re delivering the best possible experience for our customers. We’re going through that now and will be stronger because of it.
If you feel like there are things that we can be doing better as your Billing and Payments Partner, I’d like to hear it. The best way to reach me is via email at flane at I read and personally respond to every email.
I would also encourage you to check in on my blog periodically at and follow me on Twitter at Occasionally I say something interesting.
Thanks for being a customer.
Flint Lane
Founder and CEO, Billtrust